Tuesday 9 June 2015

Trial drug access denied (company 1)

Today we finally heard official confirmation access to the Trial Drug (phase 3 in Australia) is not being allowed access to Lauren for treatment by the pharmaceutical company who own it. Not sure if this is real reason yet but because they don't want their trial statistic results jeopardised when they go for drug subsidy validation with the Aust Govt. I hope this is wrong. I would have thought accessing this way would be outside their trial and therefore wouldn't effect the trial results. Just goes to show how much these institutions really care (not) at the end of the day. Money first, people second (or do we come further down the pecking order?) Not prepared to name them yet in case they have a change of heart.

Towel hasn't been thrown in, but time is of the essence right now as Lauren's blast cell count will only grow with time and we can't supposedly administer more chemo.

RAH has requested access to another trail drug they're not part of the trial for from another pharmaceutical company - we're still waiting to hear their response via the RAH at this stage. Not prepared to name the companies at this stage - neither the one who's knocked back access and the other we're waiting to hear from (only a new request).

Thank you to all who have offered support in contacting MP's, companies direct, change.org, the press - once we know outcome of second drug company giving access to their drug will follow some of these up. An MP I met with today (I don't want to name him only because if this goes pear shaped, I don't want him seen in a negative light as he and his office have been excellent. One of the few genuine MP's who still acts for the people, his constituents, rather than getting as much as he can from the 'system'. They've helped, offered more help and genuinely interested in taking out roadblocks. More dialogue with him tomorrow.

Lauren... I wish I knew what to say to her right now, to take the hurt away, but only thing I can do is try and deliver the right trial drug with the right people's help. Once it's administered, it's up to her to deliver the remission so we can go to transplant. I wish we could stop time whilst this plays out!!! As many of you have already noticed from her Facebook posts, she's pissed off but not throwing towel in!! We've come too far to simply lay down and make it easy for some!!!

Great to see her many friends keeping her afloat right now.....not to mention family, Haven't mentioned the role being played in particular her Grandmother who's been living in Adelaide helping and spending supportive time in hospital with her. Family in Sydney, please keep in touch with Mum (I know you are, but she needs it too as does Kate and Nathan right now).

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