Tuesday 16 June 2015

Rescued by the Germans!!

The information I've had on request from the RAH Executive never came yesterday (disappointing). After an email I sent to the University Hospital Wurzburg bounced, I frantically tried to access a correct email address and name of the treating physician from the RAH Executive, only to be told: "Our international links are very very valuable in these situations and I really don't want to put them at risk because of what can be interpreted as being a local Australian issue."....you know..... it's not the person, the system and the institutionalisation of people is at fault (no, it stinks!!). But who owns this?? No-one seems to own anything these days.

Anyway, through great work from my partner we tried a few other email addresses in Germany and one found its way to the correct medical team and they answered all the questions (and an extra one), in writing, and within hours of me sending them - a fantastic effort for such a huge hospital given it was night time for them when I emailed. Have a look at their website and you can see why they are a centre of excellence in many fields. Thank you Max for your most welcome and professional assistance last night (our time). Why the RAH didn't supply the answers to me when asked and refused to give me the details of the team in Germany, I don't know. I wonder if we'll ever know?

Anyway, we have a good and proven, best option for Lauren going forward via the Pfizer drug, inotuzumab. I don't know what I can say about Pfizer coming to the party but we appreciate the RAH Medical team sourcing this solution.

I'm glad this last week is over. We went from a discussion of options with a medical team at the RAH last Tuesday where it was suggested we might like to start discussions with palliative care to a way forward for treatment. What a week!! Now it's up to Lauren to take the baton and take up her fight and get through this to a successful outcome, as she will. This is where the support of her great friends will be important. Last night a much relieved Dad called into the hospital a little late, and a beautiful daughter said, "come and sit beside me, I want my father back!".

This last week reminds me of the quote:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
― Edmund Burke

We have seen so much goodness/greatness from so many people this last week, the negatives seem trivial in comparison. From raising (or at least having it underwritten) AUD $400,000 - (wasn't that much required in the end, when the Germans responded) from various people who stepped up, from the support of the politicians and their fantastic staff, to many who have supported our entire family in so many ways - THANK YOU!!

I don't know who owns this cartoon, but perfect for this last week:

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