Friday 20 March 2015

Lauren's week 3 whiteboard quote

Lauren's latest quote on her whiteboard:

The pink hair is now gone and the effect of the chemo is coming through - which means the blast cells are being or been destroyed. Just have to wait for the bone marrow biopsy at the end of the month to see what's happening in the marrow. If all clear, it's straight into a second bone marrow transplant. They're tissue typing possible matches from the global registry now and have a few possibilities.

Vanessa, (Lauren's first bone marrow donor from the UK), if you're reading this don't ever get upset or think you failed Lauren with your bone marrow donation in 2008. You didn't fail her at all - you gave her healthy life from 2008 to now by your selfless generosity - time we wouldn't have had without you being the generous person you are. I reiterate a heartfelt thanks to you for your kindness. People like you make others' lives better by your positive contribution. Just as I say thank you to the next person who's bone marrow is used to cure Lauren this time around. Thanks there are people like you out there!!

When she can, Lauren enjoys visits from her friends - they seem to be the 'wind beneath her wings' right now. Just remember to check with her on her mobile how she's feeling for visitors and nb. no flowers in the ward and no visit if you have any colds or illness.

Lauren gets her new PICC line in later this morning. The last one taken out for fear of infection which has since been cleared. Will mean they can stop accessing the veins directly for treatments again - less painful.

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