Tuesday 24 March 2015

Update #4 by Lauren

Heading into week 4 and it looks like - assuming my blood counts are rebounding back (but not with any cancer cells cause hopefully the chemo told it to fuck off) - that by the very end of the week I possibly, might be an outpatient or at least have some day leave where I can spend some time at home!! AND some more good news is that they can't see any cancer cells in my blood tests... AND it appears my blood cells are starting to ,very slowly, rebound again... WHICH (with fingers and toes and tongue and arms and everything else that can be crossed) means that the chemo has done it's job!! This will be made certain in a weeks time when I go for a bone marrow biopsy to see if there's any cancer still lurking in my bone marrow (the place where all your blood cells are made). So even though there's a 50% chance of the chemo not working, hopefully the other 50% works in my favour - well that's what I'm going to try my best to focus on till then.

As for my previous week - even though I've been pretty tired, I've definitely started to bounce back. My PICC line (somehow now named Kathy) was inserted (first time round thank God) and even though I took the sedation drugs too early it was a much much less traumatic experience than last time! But I have to say memory of the week goes to my nurse, Rocky. She was on night shift last Friday and we snuck out to the nurses station (by snuck out I really mean walk down the corridor) and made Nutella and marshmallow toasties!! Definitely worth a try!! So good! Oh and as you may notice from the picture I'm now bald... Thanks to nurse Emily for turning my humble little en suite into my own Royal Adelaide Hotel hairdressing salon and to my Dad for his hair clippers aaand Yes unfortunately my Dad and I now have the same haircut -.- but overall it's been an unexpected 'good' week and if this week goes to plan I'll be wanting to socialise and have visitors in no time smile emoticon so thank you again for your understanding and support - it really helps keep me on track!! Much love Lauren xx ‪#‎fuckcancer‬ ‪#‎boom‬!

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