Thursday 5 March 2015

Chemo Day 4 finished

Chemo started for Lauren on Monday - 6 days straight and then a break for a week (I think). Plan is to get her into remission as soon as possible via the chemo and then go straight into a bone marrow transplant (to be done at the RAH) - after one possible detour - after remission and before a second bone marrow transplant she'll possibly be having her remaining 3 wisdom teeth removed. Minor in comparison to what's going on for the cancer stuff. Is a glass half full or half empty? - what would your call be if it was you in the picture? - basically it's a 50/50 chance the chemo will get her into remission. Lauren has the view the glass is half full as she's determined to knock this over this time. No doubts, just do it #fuckcancer.

Her friends are carrying her this time around. Their visits are all important to her - just remember no visit if you're not well or recently had a cold/flu and aqium must be used entering the ward and her room - also, just check with her via her mobile before coming so she can manage visits and treatment and rest time. Nice to see her managing her treatment and visitors etc. Some highlights this week (for me anyway) was seeing the 'fuck cancer' cookies from Julia H - awesome!
I believe the lady baking them has had a sharp increase in sales for 'fuck cancer' cookies in the last 24 hours alone!!! (see facebook - Alyce in Cookieland)

Last Sunday (her last night before chemo started) her friends from AC Arts stayed until 10:30pm and turned her room into a fairy light, poster crowded walls.
Put Lauren on a nice high before starting treatment - that high is still continuing with other friends visiting her. As we've been saying, she doesn't look 'sick' as per the photo Sunday, so come in with a smiling face and enjoy the visit. BTW, she loves the 'big monkey' Leo.

Also, was impressed with her white board quote and garden.
Some of you around when she was seven and first diagnosed would know the story of the garden and weeds to describe what cancer is and what's happening - have to dig up the SAFM interview with Amanda B, I think - does anyone know how to put and interview from a CD onto this blog? Contact me or Lauren if you know how.

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