WBC 5.75
PLT 78
N 5.1
Hi All,
Well Lauren’s a little better from Friday, still low grade fevers, but blood pressure stabilized. Still very nauseous, but at least a little more alert. Walked in yesterday for my shift at hospital and she was playing a card game with Michael, which was great to see. Michael cheating of course – can’t help himself. !!!!!!! (this is Bullsxxt folks!!!)
She woke through the night with very itchy palms and feet. Doctors have checked this morning and feel it could be some Graft V Host disease (GVHD) which is a good sign, so keeping an eye on her today to see if it gets worse. Also today if Lauren feels up to it, they are allowing her to go for a walk in the passageway of the ward, will take two of us to keep the “Christmas Tree” in tow but when you have been in the same room for 4 weeks she is willing to give it a go. She needs to wear a mask, but are keen for her to try as she is getting a lot of muscle pain due to being in bed for so long.
Kate and Nathan went to Grandmas for the weekend and are enjoying having ‘sleep-overs” at her house. Nathan rang me in hospital as they had seen a shark (only the fin) at Manly beach; the lifeguards were calling the surfers out the water. He was so excited – I was so excited it was cold and he wasn’t in the water !!!! On the weekend at Coogee Beach they had two whales sighted. Was going to walk down early on Sunday morning to see if they were still there as my turn to be home that night - but bed was too good, pulled the covers up and went back to sleep. Having lovely weather -sunny and 18c, so finally got a chance to sit on the balcony with my ipod (the best gift ever from my lovely friends) and enjoy the moment.
Have you all sensed Michael might not want to come back to Adelaide – showed him a real estate ad for this area. Basically, starting at 1.5 million, buys you a small house no driveway or garage (they park on the street here) so he would have to sell his camper trailer, Think I have put an end to that thought of moving. But I must admit we both love being near the beach. Seems to be a D.I.N.K.S area (double income no kids) as walking up to the hospital one Saturday morning there was not a seat spare in any of the cafes, and the smell of those cooked breakfasts/hot coffee was irresistible, well just bought a take-away coffee!!! Thought of home where Saturday morning is sport/swimming etc. and a bowl of weet-bix !!!!!!!!
Lovely talking to you all.
Bye for now
Luv Julie