Friday 15 August 2008

Update #41. Day +15

Hb 104
WBC 9.10
PLT 47
N 7.2

Hi all,

Michael and I are both in hospital with Lauren at present as she is really unwell. Has had consistent high temps (40') throughout last night and today, blood pressure low and is extremely nauseous/vomitting intermittently. Doctors sent her for CT scan this evening trying to work out where possible infection is. They assured us that this is all part of it (I think they say it to make you feel better) they are trying to give her medication to ease nausea, then she vomits!!! vicious circle.

Feeling low at present as Lauren is so sick again, (bummer - as she was starting to be more alert and feeling better) please, please keep praying and sending positive vibes to Lauren (some for me too please!!!!) hopefully get some news on the scans soon, believe they are speaking to radiology dept now.

bye for now
Love Julie