Hey everyone its me Lauren,
Mum and Dad have been hogging the blog and now that I’m feeling better I thought maybe it’s time for me to do one.
The last couple of days have been fantastic for me; I’ve been feeling a lot more energetic, and just generally well. I had my first walk out of my room,

it felt so good to get out. Today they took me off my feeds, and instead of the double Christmas tree I used to have I now have a single one so I think I’ll be out of this room more often now as it is easier to move around with a single drip pole.
Some other fantastic news is hopefully this week I get some day leave where I’ll be able to leave the hospital for the day and come back to sleep!! Fingers crossed for tomorrow!
My counts are definitely showing that my bone marrow is working and reproducing, as my platelets were 100 and something today, which is enough to donate if I could!! The doctors are really pleased at the way I am going!

I’m still a touch itchy and shaky but hopefully all that will clear up soon.
That’s about it I think,
Well better go, hopefully see you all soon!!
P.S thank you to all those people who have sent gifts and cards, I really appreciate them (and the cards make my room brighter as well!!!)

Hi all,
Going by all the texts I received today everyone is concerned something is wrong as there has been no blogs.
Last week, the Graft vs Host disease hit Lauren with this awful itch all over, hence Michael and I didn’t get much sleep as we were up most nights with her. Her temperature was still high and she was generally unwell and tired. Itch to treat is worse than pain and was driving Lauren crazy as she was on so many drugs and nothing seemed to ease it for her. But thankfully she is feeling a lot better and has some “waves” of itchiness but nothing like last week. The frustration of not being able to help and the sleep deprivation made for us all being a little cranky !!!!!! Sorry typo “me” being a little cranky !!!!
(B/S - delete 'little')
Oh how good it was to see Lauren walk around the ward for the first time, she has to wear a mask, (she will have to wear one for some time out of the hospital) she has got quite weak with her muscles so looks like we will be doing lots of walks when we get home to build her up. (she won’t be able to go to school for 3 mths when we get home).
Anyway thanks all for your concern, we will only now be updating the blog as things come up, so be assured no news is good news. Hope to get some photos on the blog for you soon.
Luv Julie
Hb 92 (range 115 - 165)
WBC 4.63 (3.50 - 11.00)
PLT 130 (150 - 450)
N 1.8 (1.7 - 7.0)