Wednesday 10 February 2016

Modified T-Cells have arrived!

Lauren's modified T-Cells arrived at RCH Melbourne yesterday, so chemo, in preparation for the infusion next week started last night. Other than a bit of pain and tiredness from the chemo, everything going well. Lauren is able to put more weight on her leg, which is improving each day.

The team(s) here at RCH Melbourne are exceptional. That's a consistent message from all the families staying at Ronald McDonald House. Hearing different families journeys (not just for cancer) at RMcD House makes you take note of how lucky we are. Many stories are extraordinary and their kids are an inspiration, without doubt. I had no idea there are so many diseases out there people are susceptible to. Don't ever let me hear someone whinge about the weather, or temperature or something superficial like a broken nail or scratch on the car. The ironic thing is these people are so positive, with great expectations for their kids, as you'd expect. If you've never had to deal with something serious for your kid(s), be grateful, because the alternative is a tough road.

Tonight a local High School is cooking dinner at RMcD House for the families, so have to run. A credit to their school no doubt!!

PS. The school was Melbourne Grammar. The boys cooked an excellent spaghetti meal!!

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