Tuesday 7 April 2015

Update #6 by Lauren

What A Week!!!!
Let me just say that despite all that's happened to me - I am an extremely lucky lady. As most of you already know the chemo (that had a 50/50 chance of working) has worked and put me into remission!! This means the treatment plan that they originally had in mind for me can go ahead!!!! (Would have been a completely different story if it hadn't of worked so I'm counting my blessings) Therefore a bone marrow transplant will happen in 3/4 weeks time at the RAH once they finalise and bring in (I'm assuming it's coming from overseas) the cord blood match they have found. In the meantime, not this week but the week after, I have another round of less intense chemo just to keep any nasty cancer cells that potentially want to come back away.

Some other good news was that I was also discharged from hospital on Good Friday last week after having been admitted the week before after I spiked a temperature. The doctors eventually found out I had a sinus infection. The treatment for it is hilarious though - I have a douche and no not the one you're all thinking of, I have a nasal and sinus douche that shoots water up one nostril and comes out the other with all the slimy gunk!
You can't really see it in the photo but I'm actually pissing myself laughing whilst 'douche-ing' my sinuses - it was a sight to see! Anyway enough about my 'douche-ing' experiences, the main thing is I've been feeling better and more like me day by day and they let out just in time for Easter where I've been helping keep that chocolate stash to a minimum - mmm chocolate never tasted so good.

Anyway I won't keep you much longer
but that's the plan and I'm so grateful I have a cancer where I can have a plan in place. Have met a few people on this journey who don't have that option, or any options at all for that matter, so I'm just so thankful this has all worked in my favour! So ‪#‎fuckcancer‬ In the meantime you can lol at this photo of my Dad and I - I have the same bloody haircut as him now...Obviously I'm the prettier one and have a nicer head tongue emoticon ‪#‎whohascancer‬?? ‪#‎whoworeitbetter‬ #fuckcancer

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