Friday 27 February 2015

Pre-treatment testing finished

Lauren has had numerous tests this last week. She's still 'healthy' and active. Just stuck in a hospital whilst they do these tests. Today she's coming out at 12:00pm to have lunch with her AC Arts colleagues - she was in her third and final year of the course this year. She's looking forward to getting out and spending time with them

Chemotherapy commences on Monday for her. Basically to get her into remission. Lauren is managing her own treatment this time and holding all the discussions with the medicos - who are all totally professional. We were a bit concerned coming from Women's & Children's Hospital since last treatment to Royal Adelaide. Have to say it's different as you'd expect, but just as caring with equally dedicated staff. In fact, haven't seen a hospital yet without dedicated, professional staff. If any government thinks it's fair to eliminate penalty rates for nurses they're in for a rude shock as I for one will stand up for the nurses. What they do and how hard they work in under-recognised in our (& many other) society.

Then at some stage, will mean another bone marrow transplant. Have no idea when yet. I guess they'd be searching the donor list globally again to find a suitable donor. There is s new drug out which targets a certain rogue cancer cells which carry a certain protein. I can't remember the name - Lauren's the expert this time!! Anyway it's been found she has that protein in her cancer cells but being a random selection for the trial of this drug, she hasn't got onto this program. It would still mean a bone marrow transplant, but because the drug can target just the rogue cells with the particular protein, it means not all her cells are killed off and therefore she wouldn't have lost her hair etc. Anyway not to be and Lauren is comfortable with the treatment regime.

She might be coming home over this weekend as she is able to get out and about. We'll find out later today if this is the case. (If spelling errors etc, I'll correct them later, have to run!!). Once treatment starts she'll be in for at least 4 -6 weeks - I'm assuming that's ignoring the transplant time frame. Will find out more next week.


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