Monday 23 February 2015

Bugga!! Laurens relapsed!!

I never thought I'd ever be publishing a post about Lauren ever being treated for cancer again. Unfortunately I'm wrong on this front. Saturday morning just gone, Lauren had a wild nose bleed which she eventually stopped. However in her panic she rang me and then her Grandmother. Lucky her Grandmother rang me and strongly suggested I go home and see to her. Anyway, took her to the Medical Centre and it was only whilst there I noticed how pale she looked. (In hindsight, I was trying to work out why I hadn't noticed that paleness previously, but whilst we live together, we've been like ships passing in the night. She's been getting home late from Acting classes & her dancing and I'm already asleep, and by the time she's up I'm gone in the morning). I remember once thinking she looked a little pale, but she's so active, you don't think anything is the first time in 2002, maybe she's overdoing things and just needs to rest up. Something she seems to resist!

Anyway blood results came back abnormal within a few hours. Later the Doctor rang me back and advised I should get her to hospital that night. So Saturday night we're in Royal Adelaide Hospital for the first time. Numerous tests run past midnight and then Sunday morning (early hours) we were transferred into the Haematology ward (incl blood cancers). I think when that happened she got an inclination it might be her Leukaemia back. Sunday morning they were able to confirm, she's relapsed!! Fu%K Blast cells!!!

So here we go again, round 3. I don't know how she does it, but she deals with it in her time so well. I can only marvel at her strength. I wish I had just 5% of it!!

As usual, I'm already getting calls and requests for updates. I just can't update everyone individually. One, it takes too long per call and I'm already getting tired explaining what's happened and where to from here. So the old blog from the transplant on 2008 is back in operation for those who want to follow it themselves.



  1. Oh no Mike and Loz, I'm so sorry to hear the news. You're in our thoughts and prayers. We're wishing for the next blog to be good news ok.
    x Tina & Kym

  2. Mike, Lauren doesn't deserve this but you can't chose what life dishes up to you. Lauren you are in our prayers. Frank & Helen Jackowiak

  3. Mike, Lauren doesn't deserve this but you can't choose what life dishes up. Lauren you are in our prayers. Helen & Frank Jackowiak

  4. Mike, This seems so unfair to Lauren, & U All. May the Power of the Holy Spirit through Everyone's Daily Prayers continue to help Lauren over this new hurdle. God Bless, Protect & Strengthen U All at this time. Take care, Chris G x

  5. Hi Mike. I saw your call this afternoon but couldn't take it. I thought you were going to pike about walking Lofty this Friday.
    I get what you say about having to explain what has happened every time someone calls is tiring so I
    figure sending this message and know that I am sad that your family is facing another hurdle. This is where the love, attention and prayer of family and friends will make a power of difference in Lauren's wellbeing. This is the gift that we all have the ability to share with you. Thinking of you Mate & would be pleased to hear from you when the time is right. Bob

  6. Hey mate, we are all shocked with the news but know Lauren will fight this and take it head on as she always has!!
    From your Cuz's in Sydney we are sending you all our love and good thoughts, and know you will overcome this as that's who you are!! Jamberoo over Christmas
