Wednesday 30 September 2015

Lauren's facebook update last night - not remission yet!

FIRST UPDATE AS A PROPER ADULT (Hope I don't have to act like one soon though hehe):

So, I'm pretty sure everyone now knows how I spent my 21st birthday yesterday. If you don't you've either just joined facebook or you're unobservant. 😜 The ‪#‎cranesforlauren‬ movement was and still is so overwhelming and unbelievable. I still can't grasp that 20,000 cranes are sitting in my living room, each one created with love and each one having its own journey to get to my place. So again, thank you to everyone who got involved, from posting a picture of an industrial crane to taking the time out to make a crane or to simply just say happy birthday - all of it has meant so much to me, words can only try to show how thankful I am! And I guess the biggest of Thank you's goes out to Jen Frith who started it all in the first place. You have made such an impact in my life and I will never forget yesterday and I know I've said thank you to you so many times already, but it never seems enough to express how I am feeling right now. So again from the bottom of my heart thank you!

Now onto some serious adult stuff. Unfortunately I'm not going to transplant next week as my biopsy results came back with residual disease that was so small they can't even put it as a percentage. BUT FORTUNATELY Pfizer have given me yet another dose of the magical drug Inotuzumab!!! This is because...
1. the drug is clearly working (it's just taking longer than expected but then that's why it's on trial right?)
2. I haven't really received any side affects from it apart from low blood counts.
3. If I was in America on the actual trial I would be receiving five to six doses of the stuff before going for transplant so the fact it's worked so well after 3 rounds and the fact I haven't had any major side affects helps pfizers trial data which in the end will help it get into Australia faster and yes that means more dollars in their pockets.

So as you can see it's not the best news but it's certainly a win win situation for both parties.
However, when I got the phone call from my doctor today I was totally disheartened because I was so sure that this was it, with everything that had happened over yesterday and the past week that surely I was in remission. So even though I seem quite positive now I definitely have had my moments today. But having 20,000 cranes surrounding me certainly helped me gain perspective.

So again thank you to everyone!! It has put such a smile on my face to know so many people are thinking of me and it has just brought so much hope and inspiration into my life! Thank you!
(And if you have a problem with the word fuck, well I have a problem with the word cancer!)

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